April's Best Community Skins

· 1 min read
April's Best Community Skins


 By Blaze Warrior17

Burn this skin for a stake! That's a compliment , btw. It means that it looks so beautiful, I'm convinced you have magical abilities, Blaze Warrior17 and I'm causing me to be in a state of panic and gather an angry crowd. They'll be calm once they see the gorgeous outfit, cheeky red hair tufts , and eyes that flash purple that shout "oh you eyes aren't purple!"  Thank you for trying . *smug laughing*. Why don't actual wizards dress in this way? Harry Potter is a 'wizard' who still apparently needs to use glasses. Voldemort should have won for his style alone in all honesty.

Remember how I said in the intro that seeing these skins didn't make me feel better? Ha! It was an LIE! These skins have made me happier than I could ever dream.  mail696.com Would you like to see your personal skin on Minecraft.net? Email them to [email protected] and we'll feature our favourites in an upcoming article!